Monday, November 19, 2018

Drop the political view you have been carrying over your head for generations and your parents have implanted on you. The longer you see things through a coloured spectacle, the more you and this entire country suffer the consequences of illogical and irrational decisions you take towards your own benefit, say your belly and bellies waiting to be fed. Learn to accept the reality based on evidences and through logical analysis. Loosen the clasp you have set on politicians and parties. Because neither of which has proven evidently that they are capable of filling anyone's table for dinner.
Don't be a proud culprit of pushing this whole nation towards one burning hell, which you have been repeating for years, may be decades, as a result of blindly following a pointless political view. Plenty of similar examples can be dug up from the recent past, which supplement this scenario, and for doing so you have paid the price anyway. If people are the ultimate entity that pays for it, then there is no use cheering for 225 members who keep wasting the country's resources. Your stupid devotion is their food.
However it is evident with great enthuse, your poor and lame thinking has always been looking forward to feed the justification of thousands of wrongs, weighing more on some positive deeds done by politicians in the past. Generations past, this has now settled deeply in the blood in such a way where you see blacks as whites, and nobody bothers to change it while expecting a true change. Sri Lanka doesn't require the expertise in politics for which has done nothing much so far throughout the span of 70 years. It's high time this country as one must work together for re-establishing and strengthening its core pillars that holds the nation; democracy, economics and law and order, and to appoint a leader followed by a productive crew to make sure the country moves forward with dignity and prosperity.
Remember, "when the country runs backwards, despite who rules it, it drags you with it". It is time to take grounded decisions and valid actions to end this cycle of transferring power between two parties as per your personal interest. Your personal interest is not everyone's cup of tea. Therefore on social media networks as well as in real life, behave like educated humans being who have a brain. At the end of the day there is nothing to be proud of looking at the idiots in the parliament. It represents you and your idiocy. Therefore in the next term, if you remain to select at least 100 people out of those who raise hell inside the parliament, you make sure this country will stay doomed for eternity.

Copyright 2010 tee දුටු ලොව.

මෙහි පළ වී ඇති සියළුම ලිපි වල හිමිකාරීත්වය "TeeRox" වන මා සතුව පවතින අතර, දැනුම් දීමකින් තොරව හෝ අවසරයක් නොමැතිව උපුටා ගැනීම හෝ වෙනත් කටයුතු සඳහා යොදා ගැනීම සපුරා තහනම් බවත්, ඒ සඳහා නීතිමය ක්‍රියාමාර්ග කරා යාමටද හැකියාව ඇති බවත් කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.